Wednesday, April 8, 2015

We're Trashy

Ou nightly walk is a highly anticipated activity for the girls, they start getting excited well in advance and by the time we're ready to leash up they're doing mad laps around the house.

But when they really flip out is on the evening walk the day before bulky trash pick-up.  We always anticipate that these walks will take at least 50% longer because there's SO much to do.  Noses are to the ground and there is work to be done.  Piles of stuff formerly relegated to attics and basements are suddenly sitting on the curb and it just blows their minds.  I usually walk along and marvel and how much junk there is in the world.

Well last night was different, we passed the usual heaps of grubby clutter but we also happened upon this...

It's a Bernhardt leather chair and it was sitting out on the curb a few streets over from us.  We took the dogs home then went back to get it, when we brought it in they were in disbelief that they actually got to have something in their house from the trash piles.  Enthusiastic sniffing ensued and after they were done I tackled it with my Dyson, some white vinegar, and some febreze.  

Honestly it's not exactly surprising it was someone's trash-- it has a big slit in the arm that the pillow is covering and the leather is in bad shape in some spots, but it's nothing a few strategic textiles can't take care of.   

We are planning to get a leather chair for the living room as we're definitely in need of more seating, but it just hasn't been a priority yet.  While I'm not in favor of filling our house with junk while we wait for the real deals I can make an exception for a comfortable, nice-ish leather chair that we got for minimal effort and zero dollars. 

The wingback structure and nailhead trim probably aren't things I'd gravitate towards if I had my pick, but it's fun to see something outside my normal taste in the house.  Lots of fun.  

I told Shep she should get in a more flattering position for these photos and she told me to quit being such a stage mom. 

The layout of the living room is a bit awkward for furniture placement because although it's a generous sized room it has a lot of doors and entries-- the front entry, french doors out to the backyard, an opening to the dining room, and an opening to the hallway.

Our long term furniture plans are a big U-shaped sectional that will wrap around one side of the room with a chair/ottoman or chaise to go in front of the mantle.  I like the sectional we have now, but the fact that it's armless doesn't make it the most comfortable for lounging and it's really not big enough for us plus 2 dogs. 

Birdie alone can take up a good chunk of sectional real estate.   

While our curbside find won't be in it for the long haul, in the words of Cousin Eddie, "it's a good quality item" at least for now.  

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